Over the last two weeks, here at FCA Scotland we’ve been celebrating Fostering Network’s Foster Care Fortnight – the UK’s biggest fostering awareness campaign.
Throughout the past two weeks, we’ve been sharing across our social platforms both FCA Scotland staff and our wonderful foster carers’ own personal reasons why they care about fostering.
Every year, thousands more foster families are needed to provide a safe and loving home to vulnerable children and young people throughout Scotland. The work our foster carers do is truly amazing and it’s fantastic to hear what makes their role so rewarding. Take a look at our top reasons #WhyWeCare:
“Every child deserves to be cared for in a safe, loving and supportive home.”
Amanda, Registered Manager
“Watching young people break their own boundaries, shock themselves and discover a new kind of self-belief because of this is amazing to see. Watching young people achieve things that others take for granted makes the whole process worthwhile.”
Jan, Foster Carer
“The rewards are unparalleled and worth every moment. There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not thankful for the life I’ve been given, having been able to give love and support to all the children that have passed through our doors over the years.”
Jim, Foster Carer
“Giving a child the chance to thrive is the most beautiful thing in the world. There’s no greater feeling than watching them overcome and succeed and we are blessed to be able to help them on that journey.”
Nicola, Foster Carer
“I get a hug before they all go to school, a hug before they all go to bed and a hug just because! It’s a beautiful feeling when you go to bed at night knowing you are making a difference in a child’s life.”
Shagufta, Foster Carer
“Because all children should have hopes and dreams for their future.”
Lynne, Education Coordinator
“We care because children have the right to be safe, to achieve their potential, be happy and to enjoy the love of a stable family life.”
Sharon, Team Manager
“Every young person has the right to be respected, loved, and cared for, their voices heard and to have fun.”
Heather, Support Worker
“Our amazing foster carers and staff team want every child in Scotland to have the opportunity to feel happy, loved and safe.”
Roxanne, Referrals Officer
If you feel you can make a difference in a child or young person’s life, then we want to hear from you. Get in touch today to start your fostering journey.