Welcome to our latest news
Welcome to our latest news, showcasing all our recent events and developments that have taken place over the past few months here at Foster Care Associates Scotland.
Discover what’s been happening.
Fun with our young people
Over the Summer our young people and fostering families enjoyed a trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach Resort. After a successful visit last year, this was a very popular choice for our young people when they were creating our Events Calendar for 2024!
We had a very early start with the buses leaving at 6.30am but everyone was excited and looking forward to the day ahead. Due to the high winds some of the bigger rollercoasters were off but our young people still had a fab time on InFusion, The Revolution, ICON and many more, with the younger ones having a fab time in Nickelodeon Land as well.

Cosy Coats appeal
This year, we organised another Cosy Coat Appeal as we prepared for the winter months, collecting coats and jackets of all sizes. The appeal closed on 30th September, and the collected items will be redistributed to those in need as winter approaches. Last year, we successfully supported local primary schools and vulnerable individuals in communities across Scotland.
The Promise Scotland’s 24- 30 plan
We were delighted to see the launch of The Promise Scotland’s Plan 24-30, a single six year plan which firstly identifies the barriers to the progress of The Promise and provides a more specific live plan for ensuring that The Promise will be kept by 2030. 25 themes have been identified as part of Plan 24-30, all relating to the original five foundations of The Promise with a route map set out for all 25 of these – the live nature of Plan 24-30 will provide more flexibility than Plan 21-24 as this will be able to be updated as time progresses.
We continue to be proud of the progress we have been able to make in respect of Plan 21-24 and The Promise so far, and are committed to doing all we can over the next six years to ensure that The Promise is kept. You can find out more about our commitment to The Promise.
A rainy day of discovery – learning about detention dogs
One of the highlights on our summer event calendar was a fun and informative morning in the West, where we learned about Detection Dogs, how they operate, and what they can sniff out with their sensitive noses. Despite the rain, the event was fantastic, and we want to extend a huge thank you to Brian and the team from BDL Canine Services for bringing along their five wonderful and very clever dogs.

Trauma informed practice training
Our dedicated team attended a two day City and Guilds training course on Trauma Informed Practice. This valuable training equips our staff with the skills to better understand and support the children and young people in our care, ensuring we continue to provide the highest level of support possible.
Welcome to our new foster carers
Welcome to our newly approved foster carers Linzi and Hassan who will be joining our carer group in the East of the country and Debbie and Mark, our newly approved foster carers in the North East of Scotland.
We look forward to supporting you all on your fostering journey.
Kirkcaldy Fire Station fun
Some of our young people enjoyed a trip to Kirkcaldy Fire Station where they got to learn about the fire engines including the different equipment used and how this all works. They also got to learn some drills and try on the uniform and protective clothing that firefighters wear. This was another brilliant day, and we want to give a huge thanks to Scottish Fire and Rescue Service for having us along.