Kids of Carers

If your parents are thinking about fostering or have just become foster parents, then this selection is for you!

Always Ask Questions

Fostering involves the whole family and for lots of families, the experience is different. It's important that you know what is going on and who is coming to stay.

We will explain what fostering will involve and some of the changes you may face. It will try to answer the questions that are often asked by kids and young people of foster parents.

It is important to remember that if you are uncomfortable or unhappy about anything you should talk to an adult who will listen, this could be your parent/carer or FCA social worker, if you want more information or help, please ask.

My Family Is Thinking Of Fostering

If your family is about to start fostering and you're feeling a little worried, or have questions then this handbook will help you get to know about fostering and FCA better.


Need a little help or advice?

Contact Infomation

If you're looking for contact details or are not sure whom you need to talk to then our handy contact sheet is a great place to start!

Find the right support and contact details